If you've got a god to slay then you can't do without the God Killer Sword 8" Prop Replica by Factory Entertainment.
This striking replica has been carefully crafted based on the original prop sword used in Wonder Woman, measuring approximately 8 inches long and featuring intricate Amazonian runic script on the blade as seen in the hit DC Universe movie.
The hilt of the God Killer sword captures the mirrored dragons biting into the blade with reptilian armour wrapping around the handle and their tails creating the ridged pommel.
Wield the God Killer Sword 8" Prop Replica into your collection.
Product Specifications
- If you’ve got a god to slay then you can’t do without the God Killer Sword 8” Prop Replica by Factory Entertainment.
- This striking replica has been carefully crafted based on the original prop sword used in Wonder Woman, measuring approximately 8 inches long and featuring intricate Amazonian runic script on the blade as seen in the hit DC Universe movie.
- The hilt of the God Killer sword captures the mirrored dragons biting into the blade with reptilian armour wrapping around the handle and their tails creating the ridged pommel.
- Wield the God Killer Sword 8” Prop Replica into your collection.