You may be one of the people who are looking for the origin of Santa Claus. Well, if you are one of the lucky people who can know the answer to this question, then this article is for you. You will be the story about his childhood and some interesting facts that many people still believe in. Who knows? Maybe one day you will be able to receive a gift from Santa Claus himself! Read on to discover the facts on the origin of Santa Claus and how he became the way that he is today.
The Origin
The origins of Santa Claus are not clear, but people believed that one of the Wise Men from the North Germanic tribe adopted him as a gift from God. Santa Claus is most commonly associated with St. Nicholas, the Roman Catholic Bishop of Myra, northwest Turkey. St. Nicholas was a widely respected and popular figure in European society from the second to the seventh century. He enjoyed the most privileges of any local Christian in the region, even receiving presents and planning Christmas gift ideas and money from kings. In addition, various noblemen, popes, and emperors, often bring gifts for him.
An Important Figure For the Believers

Origins of the Father Christmas
Christmas is a festival that we celebrate on December 24th and 25th every year, and it has its roots in the ancient celebration of the winter festival known as Samhain. Today, Christmas is mainly seen as a family event, exchanging gifts and planning family breakfasts and dinners. However, many customs and traditions have developed over time, including the day's names, such as Christianity's birthday or Thanksgiving day. Many of the traditions we observe today are a result of the original customs of the ancient Celts. While the spirit of Samhain was lost along the way to the modern festivals of Christmas and New Year's, some essential elements of the original religion survive, and they are celebrated through various parties and activities today.